VETERAN VIEWERS ANGRY, some thot was McCain Plane!!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

"WINNERS" Claim Easy To Win...Not Really Easy.

The odds are heavy against winning. Best to take a shot at several games than...say $10 on one. Anyway your best guess is generally the FIRST one you may have put the most thought into or your best "intuition". The "Select 3 single digits" game is about 1000 to one but usually has the best payoff esp compared to prize amounts that have been "monkeyed with" and adjusted down to almost nothing. One game even has a "BREAK EVEN" although the odds formerly made it a $5 win. Is this the "Italian Influence" cranking up the profits? SOME states have had Italian investors "buying in" and the STATE probably did not get a nickle of the "GAIN". MOST states granted the lottery a "license" without any strings about re-sale of that license SO the state would have no legal right to ANY gain from the sale. If a state was far-sighted an included a "sales clause", THAT state would be entitled to some gainful proceeds BUT MOST did not include re-sale in the contract. SOME states sell a lottery license for a specified time, after which the buyer may renew being first in line to bid IF there is any bidding. Usually the lottery license if just a "POLITICAL PLUM" ripe for the plucking. Hopefully the players are not sheeple just right for the "FLEECING." If you have a way to check...check to see if "SCRATCH OFF" HUGE PRIZES are not claimed BEFORE you buy a ticket. An old game may not have anything left but $100 prizes if that. Several "SCRATCH OFF" claim to make donations to charity. VERY DIFFICULT to find out what percentage actually goes to the charity. Anyone interested in donating to charity should also check out the charity. ONE charity was paying its CEO a $100,000 annual salary. A famous talk show personality has mentioned that the Marine Survivor or some such charity gives ALL the money to the Marine Survivors. This is a REAL charity! They do not rake off or SKIM off monies for themselves but send it along where it is SUPPOSED TO GO. When a dread disease was wiped out, the charity was forced to find another cause or close its doors. Maybe this blogger is just cynical, but actual cures have been few and far between for dread diseases since the research money dries up when a cure is found. Unfortunately a dread disease beaten in an advanced country can make a COMEBACK if stupid people do not check new immigrants, especially a blood-borne disease. It is NOT racism to exclude people spreading a disease into a NEW country in which there is no defense for this old or new disease. It is just common sense to CHECK OUT DETAINEES for disease especially if they might ESCAPE into the general population. DOES ANY COUNTRY NEED DISEASE? Of course not. A country that does not check out new immigrants is PLAYING THE LOTTERY WITH THE LIVES OF ITS CITIZENS! Some powerful strains of T.B. have come into countries that have NO MEDICINE TO COPE WITH this! One school actually FIRED three instructors for being T.B. positive although these individuals WERE NOT A RISK FOR SPREAD OF T.B.. The lawyers had convinced the school or college that THIS WAS A CALCULATED RISK for lawsuit EVEN though the people were NOT a danger to themselves or their students! No one should "play the lottery" or gamble with HEALTH. A government that does not HOLD COMMON SENSE above humanitarianism is NOT humanitarian where it counts...with its citizens...a government is RESPONSIBLE FIRST AND FOREMOST TO ITS CITIZENS. NOBODY should put citizens "ON THE BACK BURNER" for gain of VOTES. But certain groups can and will be always "taken for granted" in pursuit of power. These groups when voting should ask themselves...WHICH POLITICAL PARTY actually chooses MY GROUP in the president's cabinet and which PARTY OR INDIVIDUAL just gives "LIP SERVICE" and talks a good talk without "walking the walk". In conclusion, check out your favorite game to make sure it is still possible to win. The BIG BUCKS scratch off may be GONE like the $5 prize for a "BONUS BALL". Hillary Rodham Clinton, Bill Clinton,economist Harry Binswanger,Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein, Charlie Daniels,Ambassador Chris Stevens,Sean Smith, Sean Connery, Sean Smith,Tyrone Woods,Glen Doherty,Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Trey Gowdy,IRS Commissioner John (Unfired) Koskinen, Lois Lerner,Steve Stockman, Tom Coburn,Christian Lander, Myles Valentin, Vanessa Van Jones, J.J. Green, ICE spokesperson Gillian Christensen, Pavlov and Skinner,President Reagan ,Gabriel Syme ,Lucian Gregory,Gnome Chesterton,Rosamond,Martin Gardner,Orson Welles,Jerome Hellman,Arthur P. Jacobs, Leslie Bricusse,Peter Buckman ,Glyn Dearman,Michael Hadley, Natasha Pyne ,Edward de Souza ,Marquis de St. Eustache,Geoffrey Palmer,Arnold Palmer,Neil Gaiman,Margery Forester,Cawthorn, James; Michael, Moorcock,John Grant ,Sonja West, C.S. Lewis,Capt. Francesco Schettino,Mohammad Shafia, Tooba Yahya,Zainab, Sahar,Geeti,Rona Amir ,Mohammad,Hamed,Joe Mayerthorpe, Sawyer Clarke Robison,Michael Robinson,Mark Kane,Taranis Johnson,Bob Fraser,George Fraser,Philip Dunne, Nigel Whitehead, Group Managing Director of BAE Systems,Ann Romney,Cindy McCain,Tipper Gore,Teresa Heinz Kerry,Cassie Murdoch ,conservative columnist William Safire,Jonathan Chait , Walter White, Todd Lodwick , Sen. Mitch McConnell,John Boehner, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid ,Rick Santelli'Donald “D” Taylor, Rick Santelli,Zell Miller,radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh ,Mary Rakovich ,Benjamin Franklin ,DontGo, Top Conservatives on Twitter (TCOT), Smart Girl Politics (SGP), The American Spectator, Americans for Tax Reform, FreedomWorks, and The Heartland Institute, the Chicago Tea Parties , Americans for Prosperity, Americans for Tax Reform, Young Conservatives Coalition, The Heartland Institute, The American Tea Party ,Joe the Plumber,Americans for Prosperity of North Carolina ,Tax Day Tea Party protests ,Twitter #TCOT ,Founding Fathers Boston Tea Party,Dick Armey of FreedomWorks , Glenn Beck, Rand Paul, Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin,Tea Party Patriots,912 Taxpayer March on Washington,TEA Party the Movie,Joseph Farah ,Dean Murray ,Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis,Tea Party Express, Pink Slips Campaign,Sharron Angle ,Sue Lowdown,Senator Scott Brown ,Marco Rubio, Pat Toomey, Mike Lee, Governor Scott Walker, Woodrow (Downlow) Wilson,Morristown Tea Party Organization , New Jersey Tea Parties United,Independent Baptist Fellowship of North America,Gadsden Rattlesnake Flag. The Come And Take It Flag ,Quinnipiac Poll ,Fox News Channel, Neil Cavuto, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity ,Greta Van Susteren,Vice President Joe (Bite Me)Biden, G. Gordon Liddy,Gordon Anderson,Conservatism Ideology Charity • Conservative values • Constitutional • Family values • Free market • God • Homeschooling • Insights • Law • Logic • Movement conservative • Open Source • Republicanism • Right to life • Style Leaders and Thinkers William F. Buckley • Edmund Burke • Ted Cruz • Founding Fathers • Barry Goldwater • Milton Friedman • C.S. Lewis • Montesquieu • George Orwell • Sarah Palin • St. Paul • Ronald Reagan • Clarence Thomas Organizations College Republicans • Club for Growth • Legal groups • Conservative Political Action Conference • Family Research Council • News Media • NRA • Tea Party Movement • Think tanks • Young Americans for Freedom,Teri Christoph, Denver Tea Party, Colorado,↑ Houston Tea Party Society,Marc Ambinder, Best New Conservative Words • Best of the public • Conservative Bible Project • Conservative humor • Greatest Conservative Sports Stars‎ • Greatest Conservative Songs • Greatest Conservative Movies • Gallery of American Heroes • Links • March for Life • Online courses • Parables • Secularized language, ↑ Doug Mainwaring,↑ Warner Todd Huston. AP Tars Tea Party Movement ,Matt Kibbe,↑ Derek Erwin. A 'Dozen' Ring Liberty Belle's Sound, 800 Cities Ring-Back, A 1-In-100 Blogger,Michelle Malkin, Glenn Reynolds,Gary Grado, Sonu Munshi, Hayley Ringle,Jennifer Rubin,Matt Drudge,Andy Roesgen,"Tea Party" Song Becomes YouTube Hit,Andrea Shea King. American Tea Party Anthem Singer Lloyd Marcus, References,Going Galt A never-mentioned 9/11 hero...Jan Demczur On an ordinary work day this is how the twin towers pre-9/11 appeared, serene, magnificently modern and beckoning all to come in and take a trip to the top of the building. Looking way up at an online B & W picture of the twin towers,one might catch a glimpse of Jan Demczur, the Polish immigrant window washer, and his amazing scaffold machine. He spent each year going up and down, cleaning with a bucket, water, some rags, and a squeegee in all but the most severe weather. On 9/11 he used his metal squeegee to pry open an elevator door, gouge through drywall and create a hole large enough to save five men. The five and hopefully, Jan Demczur, were able to exit the area minutes before the building collapsed on 9/11/2001.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Many systems help players pick numbers "outside the box".  Many play birthdays...sometimes all the Mega Millions numbers are UNDER 29!  Weird.  sometimes 4 numbers are all the SAME TENS i.e. 25,27,29 21 which is also weird.  We EXPECT maybe 1-10, 11-20,21-30 etc.  Some of us even CHECK frequency of HOW MANY TIMES the numbers come up.
Recently in last few years, a Chinese writer who had already been published so therefore IRS knows she is a WRITER being PAID ALREADY...decided to VISIT ALL BIG LOTTERY WINNERS BECAUSE ALL HAD USED FORTUNE COOKIE NUMBERS so about FIVE won all over the USA!
The lady mentioned that Chinese food in America is not really Chinese like the CHINESE EAT but then TexMex and Mexican food in USA is different than what Mexicans eat in Mexico.
Sometimes Chinese, Viet Namese and others COOK the old way for CUSTOMERS who want the old way prepared food.  But relax average Joe can eat anywhere and the food fixers will not OVERLOAD your food with HOT PEPPERS unless you ORDER the HOT ONES.  They put a little pepper beside the dish on the menu SO YOU KNOW IT's HOT...after all if you cannot eat it, you may not come back!
But back to lottery:
ODDS ARE TREMENDOUS that you will get "NO HITS" or ZERO numbers you picked.

If your state has a lottery lady or guy posting online results, maybe you noticed that the ARCHIEVE RESULTS on wayback are WRONG?  Then if you check that page after midnight when ARCHIEVE is dredging...maybe the numbers are WRONG...then you KNOW they are being misposted so the archieve is screwy but you may check the date somewhere on the page to find the REAL ORDER for that date.

Also if YOU MACHINE scan your tickets...the MACHINES CAN GOOF.  You know you won X number of dollars but the machine says,"NO WIN!".  Keep the ticket and it MAY BE CORRECTED to show you won...also the clerk where you buy tickets and scratch off...may CHEAT YOU especially if you try to cash in MORE THAN ONE WINNING TICKET PER VISIT.